Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Press release 2 - Newfound Ferry

Found – River Fal ferryboat; The Rosemarie

Its time to add another ferryboat, to the Fal passenger ferries and pleasure cruisers, so well documented by notable local historian Alan Kittridge. My original research into the R.S Burts & Sons, Falmouth built, motor Launch; Rosemarie II. Reveals a post-war, St Mawes ferry service for the Rosemarie.

My break through came when I contacted the harbour commission, with the hope of tracing previous owners for the Rosemarie, by checking the Fal river, mooring registry. Unfortunately these records did not go back far enough to be of use to me, but I was put in contact with Peter Newman who remembered the Rosemarie as a working ferry.

In 1946 Rodney 'Pete' Newman (Peters father) operated the 30 passenger launch ‘Freelance’ from Falmouth to Tolverne Cottage, In the absence of The River Fal Steamship Company boats, which had been acquisitioned for the second world war. Peter remembers the Rosemarie running out of St Mawes, to the Prince of Wales Pier, Falmouth and up the Fal river in the early 1950’s. Rosemarie’s owner Tommy Clode was a business rival, who ran two boats at that time; the Rosemarie and the Esme (which was named after his wife).

John Green also remembered the Rosemarie as a Ferry. He kindly responded to my request for information about the Rosemarie, and wrote stating that his Uncle had worked as a deck-hand for Tommy Clode from 1948 onward. He remembers taking a ferry ride when He was about 12yrs old, up the river Fal to Malpas, onboard the Rosemarie.

I spoke with both Tommy Clodes son Douglas and his daughter Marina. They remember the Rosemarie being prepared for passenger service and having a board of trade inspection before starting work, but they can't remember who the boat was sold onto.

Any further information about the Rosemarie would be greatly appreciated, as I am compiling the complete life story of the boat, for the film ‘The many Romances with Rosemarie’ extracts of which are now screening as episodes on www.houseboat-tv.co.uk.

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